The basis for use of archival materials is formed by the Berlin Archives Act(Archivgesetz des Landes Berlin [ArchGB]), and the Regulations for the Use of Archival Materials in the Landesarchiv Berlin (Ordnung für die Benutzung von Archivgut im Landesarchiv Berlin) with list of fees and expenses. On this basis, any person may view the holdings of the archive after consent from the Landesarchiv (§ 8 Abs. 1 ArchGB). Terms of protection are to be observed, allowing for use of archival materials in principle only 10 years after submission to the archive, and use of confidential items only 60 years after their genesis. Justified exceptions are determined by the Landesarchiv (§ 8 Abs. 4 ArchGB). Furthermore, archival materials containing personal data can only be viewed with the consent of the persons in question or their legal representatives. Special conditions of use apply to deposits, as in archival materials owned by third parties. Enquiries are to be made regarding the individual case.
In general, use takes place upon application, with personal viewing in the reading rooms of the Landesarchiv. Originals or reproductions are made available. Due to conservational considerations, or to protect the concerns of third parties, the Landesarchiv can also decide to only issue information about the content. In addition, written queries can be directed to the Landesarchiv. Loans are made with restrictions.
Usage Regulations
The specific details of use are regulated by the archive’s ‘usage regulations’ (Benutzungsordnung).
You can find the Regulations for the Use of Archival Materials in the Landesarchiv Berlin (Ordnung für die Benutzung von Archivgut im Landesarchiv Berlin) with list of fees and expenses as a PDF file here.